SSC: gpa: 4.81; group: Business Studies ; institution: BAF Shaheen College, Jessore HSC: gpa: 4.58; group: Bus...
I am a final year student of East West University.I am doing B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering.I taught many...
I have experience of teaching a few kids from different schools.I helped the students get good marks in their exams...
I am an experienced English Medium School Teacher. Specialised teaching in any classes and O-level English Language...
My name is Mizanur Rahman, i am teaching experiance more then 5 years and teaching different school.
I have prior experience in teaching. InshaAllah, take care of your child carefully
Sabbeer studying EEE in BUET Level 2 Term 2 Background Scholastica SAT 1 & IELTS completed also teach for GED SAT p...
I am a young and energetic youth who is eager to explore different positive fields in order to discover myself.
I am a hard working guy, love to take challenges, very friendly and helpful.
B.Sc in textile engineering. Doing job in one of the best multinational company of BD.
Neerliipto studying EEE in BUET Level 2 Term 2 Background Scholastica SAT 1 & IELTS completed also teach for GED S...
i am a student. i am doing my in apparel manufacture and technology from Bgmea university of fashion and techn...
i am a student. i am doing my in microbiology from Brac university. i have experience in teaching a lot of stu...
Hello! My name is Md Shahanuzzaman.My nickname is Pappu. I am a Student of Faridpur Polytechnic Institute in Comput...
i`m completed my S.S.C exam from St. Gregory`s High School. Now i`m at Notre Dame college (HSC 2nd year)
Ashfiyaat studying EEE in BUET Level 2 Term 2 Background Scholastica SAT 1 & IELTS completed also teach for GED SA...
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